Wait Times at the Medical Clinic
January 10, 2025
Dear Medical Clinic:
It’s me again. So sorry to hear that your phone lines have been ringing off the hook lately. I know the feeling. I’ve been there. There was one job I had many years ago when I couldn’t get a moment’s peace on account of a colleague who kept calling me nonstop for the smallest things. Sometimes it was several times an hour. It was a wonder he didn’t call me for help on how to tie his shoes. So I get it.
That said, however, I have little sympathy for any of you.
There’s a reason why your patients are getting increasingly sicker these days, and that’s because of the gene-altering poison injections your clinic and every other medical practitioner from here to kingdom come pushed that fatally compromised their immune systems. They put their trust in you and you led them like cattle to the slaughter. Not only that, you mocked those who thought for themselves. “We will talk later, if you survive,” were the words one of your doctors used when referring to those who saw through the lies and hypocrisy and eschewed the injections. Those injections, by the way, are still to this day only available under emergency use authorization.
Well, us tin-foil-hat conspiracy theorists have survived. But many of those who followed your advice haven’t. Such as another case of someone I knew personally. Always health-conscious throughout her life, she was diagnosed with breast cancer and died six months later. Those who have survived are not doing well, and it’s not just the flu. I’ve lost count already of the number of people in my circles who have died or are seriously ill.
Blaming the nationwide doctor shortage for all your extra workload is a cowardly cop-out. Yes, there is a shortage. No argument there. But it’s a shortage the medical establishment, including your clinic, helped to create. Doctors who took the injections are dropping like flies and those who didn’t are made to feel as welcome as a Jew in Hitler’s Germany as a result of the mandates forced on them. Left without jobs here, many fled the country and are working south of the border in states that didn’t require them to be injected with what might be the most harmful commercially available drug on the market.
It is equally cowardly to charge people to use the online portal to get in touch with the office. This is your mess. It is beyond cruel to make your patients pay to clean it up.
You’ve made them suffer enough.
--- Original message ---
From: Medical Clinic
To: Me
Date: Thursday, January 9, 2025
Subject: Wait Times
We acknowledge the frustration regarding the longer than usual wait times to reach our reception team and we appreciate your patience.
Due to a nationwide shortage of Family Physicians, we are doing our best to service our many patients, without compromising care.
We are also seeing an influx of phone calls due to the cold and flu season.
If you are contacting our office regarding a non-urgent issue, we would like to remind you of our Callback Request feature that is available Monday-Friday from 9am-11:30am. If you would prefer to leave a callback request, you may do so during those times by pressing 2 once our voice message begins.
You may also register for secure email communication via the online portal. Please note this is a paid service. If you are interested in registering for email communication, please contact our reception.
Please note, at this time, we do not accept texts or voicemails via our phone service.
Again, we appreciate your patience and we will continue to implement changes to provide the best patient experience possible.
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