The Garden City Refugee

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Dear Crabby: Free Stuff

August 21, 2024

Dear Crabby:

I don’t like Justin Trudeau any more than you do. He’s a narcissist, he acts like a complete asshole and I don’t care for his policies on immigration. I’m also concerned about his proposed Online Harms Act. I don’t want to see Canada turn into Soviet Britain where little old ladies are thrown in jail for posting memes the government doesn’t like.

I want to vote Conservative in the next election, but I’m scared that Pierre Poilievre is going to make all sorts of budget cuts. I’m going to lose the free dental care the Liberals brought in. He’ll take away the climate action rebate too. And I can’t imagine how much health-care funding he’s going to cut.

What do I do?

– Torn in St. Catharines.

Dear Torn:


Perhaps I shouldn’t be surprised, but it still shocks me that there are still supposedly intelligent people who think the government is some benevolent equivalent of Santa Claus that plucks $20 and $50 bills off trees growing on the grounds at Parliament Hill and throws them around to all the good little boys and girls on Christmas morning.

Let me be clear. Nothing the government gives you is free. In fact, nothing is as expensive as what the government gives you for “free.”

Have you once considered all the taxes you pay for that “free” stuff? Take the climate scam rebate, for example. You pay thousands every year in everything from gas taxes and groceries and, if you’re lucky, you might get a few hundred back. Doesn’t sound like much of a win there. Only a moron would believe Justin when he says that carbon taxes make you wealthier. The only Canadian who benefits from carbon taxes is Justin Trudeau.

In any event, fear not, because I’m not entirely convinced that Poilievre is going to cut much from the budget. I’m not even sure he’s going to follow through with his promise to defund the CBC. He talks a good game, but behind the scenes, he’s building a team of Liberals to run for him. Take Niagara South, for example, where he replaced Graham Speck with Fred Davies, who ran for Doug Ford in the last provincial election. The same Doug Ford who campaigned as a grassroots conservative and has turned into more of a leftist than the free-spending Liberal premier he replaced.

So vote for whoever you want when and if there’s another federal election.

Whatever happens, it’s likely that not much will change.

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