The Garden City Refugee

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Dear Crabby: Plandemic Denier

August 20, 2024

Dear Crabby:

I’ve read some of the things you’ve written, and frankly, I’m appalled. You’re clearly a Covid denier who is just spouting unfounded conspiracy theories. You claim the life-saving vaccines that experts at Health Canada and the CDC have repeatedly said are safe and effective and have been the driving force in ending the pandemic are instead killing millions. You can’t make such misleading statements without concrete evidence. Worse yet, you say the government is behind it. This is absurd. Honestly, what do they have to gain? You even compared the Canadian government to the Nazis. I’m literally speechless.

You make it so difficult to engage with you.

– Difficult in St. Catharines

Dear Difficult:

Well, excuuuuse me. You came to me. I didn’t come to you. If you don’t want to engage with me, then, well, don’t. No one put a gun to your head.

Your extreme naivete suggests you must live in a cave where you spend the bulk of your time hunkered down glued to the television watching CBC or other government propaganda channel. You certainly have plenty of choices in that regard. You believe every word you hear and can’t fathom the possibility that the government’s motives are something less than honorable. You live for the fear porn they peddle and you’re hooked on it like a junkie.

As a result, you just cannot accept reality. The evidence is so overwhelming that there are two types of people right now. Those who know we’ve been taken for a ride and those who don’t want to know. You clearly fall into the latter category.

Besides, what does evidence matter to you anyway? Though you haven’t said so explicitly, I think it’s safe to assume that you are one of those who lined up to take multiple shots of an untested and still experimental drug (I’m assuming you haven’t heard that one of the manufacturers pulled their product over safety concerns, even in spite of the blanket immunity the government gave them), ostensibly to protect yourself from what was, at worst, a nasty flu virus. Even the fearmongers in the government grudgingly admit that hardly anyone in your age group died from it or even became seriously ill. In effect, you volunteered to be a lab rat. Not because you trusted the science, but because you trusted the TV. And now your genes and immune system are permanently FUBAR. So spare me the attitude.

I can’t answer your point about what the government has to gain by slaughtering its own citizens except to say that I have no particular interest in analyzing the motives of someone who has a loaded gun pointed at my temple. Instead, I prefer to dedicate my efforts to get the gun away before he squeezes the trigger.

And if you think engagement with me is difficult, just wait until you start having serious health problems. Myocarditis, blood clots, cancer, a stroke or a heart attack are just some of the maladies you can expect in your immediate future. Consider getting your affairs in order. Draw up a will and appoint a substitute decision maker.

Good luck to you.

I hope you survive.

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