The Garden City Refugee

Musings from around the Niagara Region and elsewhere

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I Remember

January 6, 2024

Call me old school or old fashioned. But this old fart still fondly remembers a bygone era when . . .

  • I feared a hostile foreign enemy more than I feared my own government.
  • mainstream media in Canada spewed less propaganda than state media in China and the former Soviet Union.
  • the Colombian drug cartels wielded more power over the government in their country than Pfizer and Moderna do over the government of my country.
  • being a police officer or a doctor was a respected profession.
  • rigged elections were something that only took place in third-world banana republics.
  • public health saved more lives than they destroyed.
  • I feared sickness or malady more than I feared the health-care system I would need to make me well again.
  • I placed more trust in my family doctor and medical clinic than I did in a street-corner drug pusher.
  • a repeat of a Holocaust-level genocide was impossible to fathom.
  • I could engage in a peaceful protest against the unjust actions of my government without fear of being violently attacked by police and having my bank account frozen.
  • the unelected and unknown public health officer in my area wielded less power than elected officials who, at least in theory, are accountable to the people.
  • political prisoners were only taken in oppressive dictatorships like North Korea or China.
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