The Garden City Refugee

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Doing More in Darwin

January 10, 2024

Forgive me for stating the obvious in that our downtown is in shambles. Bums and vagrants roam the streets. They had to build a cage to keep them out of the library. Graffiti is everywhere. Businesses that are still in operation are on their knees and many are up to their eyeballs in debt. Another storefront bit the dust recently after defaulting on more than eight grand in back rent. It’s not a pretty picture.

You’d think the St. Catharines Downtown Association would be on their feet rallying to their cause. That is, after all, their mandate. At least that’s what it’s supposed to be.

But instead, they stick their heads in the sand and post some fluff piece all over social media, bragging about how their sustainability director recently represented the SCDA on the world stage.

I’m sure this was deeply comforting to the downtown business community. Especially the owner of the business that just got his or her doors padlocked by a bailiff. The fact that the SCDA has a sustainability director, a wholly unnecessary position funded on the backs of their members, none of whom joined of their own free will, is bad enough. But then again, having to earn your own keep and spending that money responsibly are concepts few in the SCDA understand.

Worse yet, however, is that this transoceanic junket to Darwin, Australia was, in all probability, funded by the SCDA’s involuntary members. Let’s face it, left-leaning organizations like the SCDA don’t believe in funding frivolous trips on their own dime. That’s what business owners are for. And this sustainability director made sure to tell everyone that she was representing her employer while there. Which would strongly lead one to conclude that her employer was paying for the trip. At least in part.

Of course, to be fair, I posed that very question to them on X/Twitter. Twice. Naturally, I didn’t get a reply. In fact, I’m genuinely surprised my account hasn’t been blocked yet. Because we all know how the unaccountable bureaucrats at the SCDA love criticism. You will pay taxes to us and you will like it!

Transparency and accountability, thy name is SCDA.

Perhaps the next time they’re looking for ways to blow money (besides a new incarnation of the Holi Festival of Color or Fam Jam), they can introduce a new slogan.

Do More in Darwin.

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