The Garden City Refugee

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On the Road – Freezing Passengers, Dipshit Rights, Screaming Loudmouths and More

January 2, 2024

Highlights and lowlights from yesterday’s bus trek to and from Pearson Airport:

1. Waiting along with me at the Fairview Mall bus stop was a group of 20-somethings from Toronto who were freezing their little tootsies off in the bitter -1 cold, so they went inside the nearby Fit 4 Less to warm up. On their way back to the bus stop, one of them noted how the Fit 4 Less opens, like, early and gives you, like, free pizza. Then they sell you gym memberships to help you lose all that extra weight.

2. Not far from that scene was a scruffy dude bundled up in a snowmobile suit. <sarcasm> Hey, it was below freezing! It was a wonder the buses were even running. </sarcasm>

3. Upon arrival, the bus was packed with mostly 20-somethings who had passed out after a night of partying in the Falls. I had trouble finding a seat.

4. Whereas drivers normally put the “go” in GO and are often passing big rigs on the QEW, this driver got it up to around 30 or 35 mph and put it in cruise control the entire way. It didn’t matter much to me either way, but there was a busload of passengers who missed a connecting train at Burlington that they should have easily been able to catch.

5. Waiting for the connecting #40 bus in the shelter at the Burlington carpool lot, I stood out like a sore thumb because I was not wearing a turban.

5a. Seeing all the turbans reminded me of an old joke. How can you tell if a cab in Winnipeg has been stolen? Because the driver isn’t wearing a turban.

6. Video of the eastbound and westbound rides on the #40 bus:

7. While disembarking at Terminal 1 at Pearson, I was behind a guy who was asking the driver if the bus went to Terminal 3, which it didn’t. Naturally, the driver of a major bus route serving the airport didn’t know how to get to Terminal 3, but I did, so I showed him the way.

8. Video walkthrough of both terminals at Pearson:

9. Festive trees in each terminal . . .


10. Next to the boards at the international arrivals section in Terminal 1 were alternating ads from France and Saskatchewan. Worldly Torontonians would understand. After all, in their eyes, they’re both foreign countries. But for most residents of the universe’s center, they must have been asking themselves what a Saskatchewan is.

10a. I can just picture this question on a test in a Toronto school:

What is Saskatchewan?

a) a Ukrainian pastry
b) a weather phenomenon common in Kazakhstan
c) a province in Canada
d) an ancient eclectic tribe of nomads who partnered with the Amazons in their war against the Holy Roman Empire

10b. The ads from Saskatchewan were highlighting how the uranium from the province helps keeps carbon emissions down. As if Scott Moe is trying to put on a hard sell with Liberal Toronto to justify why he’s no longer collecting the carbon tax on home heating in his province.

11. I was left wondering why the signage around the airport was mostly in English, since I heard virtually none of it on the day.

12. I’ll start respecting the rights of dipshits when my rights start getting respected . . .

13. In Terminal 1, an airport employee spat directly into the paper recycling bin. If you must do such things, at least do it in the adjacent garbage can.

14. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – the SPRM continues to follow me around . . .

15. Dear Metrolinx: A public washroom is desperately needed at the Burlington carpool lot. A real one, not just a spot behind the building which houses drivers-only washrooms.

16. During the ride back to St. Catharines, I had the pleasure of listening to three loudmouths shouting at each other in Quebecese. Then they screamed even louder when one of them called a friend. As if the microphone on the phone was broken.

17. Aftermath of an accident scene on Centennial Parkway:

18. As the GO driver exited the QEW and approached the light at Lake Street, a white Lexus pulled into the right-hand turn-only lane, then signaled to turn left, prompting a series of angry honks from the GO driver until the Lexus pulled out of the turning lane.

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