The Garden City Refugee

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I Have a Dream

December 25, 2023

Dear Niagara Health:

I have a dream.

I have a dream that my health care provider will devote more energy to caring for my health than it does to convince me that they care for my health.

I have a dream that my health care provider will hire more medical doctors than spin doctors.

I have a dream that my health care provider will celebrate health and well-being more than it celebrates diversity.

I have a dream that my health care provider will put my interests above those of drug companies.

I have a dream that my health care provider will value the health of its doctors and nurses more than it values the interests of drug companies.

I have a dream that my health care provider will not actively take part in genocide.

I have a dream that my health care provider will not partner with companies that actively take part in genocide.

I have a dream that when my health care provider says “no discrimination,” they mean that they won’t deny me life-saving treatment because I haven’t taken a dangerous gene-altering drug which has already killed several people in my circles.

I have a dream that I will have a health care provider I can trust.

Not much to ask, is it?

But apparently it is.

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