The Garden City Refugee

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Dear Mat Siscoe

December 23, 2023

Dear Mat Siscoe:

First of all, a Merry Christmas to you. Oh right, for you, it’s Happy Holidays. Being the far-left politically-correct politician you are, it’s a mortal sin to acknowledge Christian holidays. Muslim, Sikh, Indian holidays, those are fine. Just not Christian holidays. It was the same with your predecessor, who hand picked you as his successor.

Since being elevated into the mayor’s office (let’s avoid that thorny term “elected,” shall we?), it must be nice for you to no longer have to go through the charade of pretending to be a conservative, where you’d be more expected to respect Christian values. And show some degree of fiscal responsibility. Now you can be out in the open as a tax-and-spend socialist. Coming out of the closet, so to speak. Like Walter Sendzik, soon you will be following Chris Bittle around like a puppy dog. Saying “woof” when Bittle tugs on your leash and tells you to heel. You even went as far as to snuggle up to the new provincial NDP leader recently. That must have felt good for you to be in like company. And let’s face it, hiring a fellow radical leftist as your chief of staff was no accident either. I remember her when she worked for the IceDogs. She’s an efficient worker, though she leans so far to the left that one day, she’s going to tip over. I hope she doesn’t hurt herself when she does.

I suppose you miss being on the inside, where you had the opportunity to promote left-wing values and endorse left-leaning candidates within the provincial and federal conservative parties. You probably enjoyed playing the role of a fifth columnist. Sendzik must have really admired your work. There’s no way he could have pulled something like that off. But you’re undoubtedly still reeling from being one of the three of 28 candidates voted off the board of the federal EDA a couple of years ago. Bruised egos can be hard to heal. I get it.

However, I see you’re still trying to maintain a thin veneer of that bygone era by telling the rabble how focused you are on economic development. Sendzik tried that one too. He had chamber of commerce roots. Sold himself as being pro-business. Said that if his kids had to leave St. Catharines to find work, his term as mayor would have been a failure. I’m still laughing over that one. It fooled some people. But not for long. He came out as a radical socialist pretty quickly. Just like you. And there’s that older adult tax increase deferral program you made as a major plank in your platform. No, don’t stop taxing us out of house and home. Put people on payment plans. What a joke, if you’ll pardon my frankness. Even you probably have to admit how comical it is. But it sounded good and some people actually bought it. Then again, there are people who have taken seven shots who are lining up for their eighth. There are a lot of people in our country whose intelligence leaves something to be desired.

Speaking of those shots, with all the reports of the millions who have already perished and those with poison-induced cancer and other ailments, I was wondering how you were feeling about taking them yourself. You even proudly boasted about it during the campaign. As if falling for the biggest scam in human history was something to be proud of. But like most politicians, you probably didn’t take the real thing. You likely got a placebo like the rest of your friends got. You sure don’t see politicians or public health officials dropping dead. Do as we say, not as we do. So you’re probably breathing a little easier. A few extra dead among the rabble isn’t your concern. You’ve got deniability. You were just “following the science™.”

What is apparently a big concern of yours is homelessness, drug addiction and mental health. Collectively, it’s the number one issue facing the city, you say, and it’s something that takes up the majority of your time. Trying to solve a problem that socialists like you are largely responsible for creating with more taxes. Creating perpetual dependence on the same government that put them in that ditch. It’s a page right out of the Liberal and NDP playbook and like a good team player, you’re following it step by step.

Like a good loyal comrade, you’re also following the same pattern of whining that you’re not getting enough funding from the province and the feds. I heard it so often growing up in Manitoba, a province with a fatal attraction to the NDP. Give an NDPer a dollar, he spends $1.50 and complains because he hasn’t got enough. Dropping frivolous expenditures like rainbow crosswalks are not an option. And heaven forbid you should get fair market value for civic assets like surplus land. When private developers scoff at being told what to do with an asset they’re expected to shell out a seven-figure sum for, you tell them to where to go in no uncertain terms and instead give the land away for pennies on the dollar. Because your agenda is always more important than any fiscal considerations. Socialists like you believe that money just grows on trees. Perhaps that’s what they’re growing at those greenhouses along the QEW in Grimsby.

As you pursue your progressive ideals without a shred of concern for taxpayers or the well-being of the city, I shouldn’t be surprised to see that communications from your office is one of your top priorities. More of them and do them in ways that are more engaging but not overwhelming, you say. Because the masses have short attention spans. And there will be another election coming. That little detail that radical leftists like you have to suffer through every four years to make it look like we have a voice in how we are governed. So you need to do all you can, on our dime of course, to whitewash your tax-and-spend agenda and discourage any credible candidate from even thinking about stepping forward to challenge you. Putting lipstick on a pig.

Sadly, it is a pig that is growing uglier each and every day.

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