The Garden City Refugee

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Dear Medical Clinic (again)

October 14, 2023

Dear Medical Clinic:

It’s me again. I hope I’m not bothering you too much. I realize reading and responding to communication from persnickety patients like me imposes an incredible administrative burden on your staff, as you noted in your last letter. It’s all part of why you need to charge higher fees for uninsured services. Not only that, it causes burnout. Staff get overwhelmed. I get that. So please accept my sincere and heartfelt apologies in advance.

I wanted to express how pleased I was to see the new session the clinic is offering on realistic strategies to improve physical and mental health through exercise, better nutrition and sleep habits. It’s such a good idea. I’ve always been a big believer in such things. I’ll need to check my schedule first, but I would really like to attend. I should book my spot soon. I’ve been putting it off, I know. It’s a bad habit. I don’t want to miss out, as I’m sure the session will fill up fast.

But in the meantime, I hope you can clear up a few things for me, because I’m a little confused.

That’s because communication from the clinic over the past three-plus years has been filled with mixed messages regarding natural methods of promoting health and wellness. Maybe it’s just me. It could be that I’ve been misinterpreting them. It wouldn’t be the first time. Reading comprehension has never been a strength of mine, I have to admit.

Still, I can’t help but recall the string of emails sent by one of your senior doctors. He all but called anyone eschewing dangerous experimental drugs and instead relying on natural immunity to fight off flu viruses nuttier than a fruitcake. And yet even he seemed skeptical as to the efficacy of those drugs. He touted how wonderful they were just after thanking those who had taken them for possibly saving his life. If he was indeed protected by drugs with 95% effectiveness, by my way of thinking, it shouldn’t matter if anyone else had taken them. I should go back and read those emails again more carefully. Maybe there was something I was missing. I wouldn’t want to question someone of his impeccable medical credentials.

And there’s also the constant stream of emails from the clinic promoting those same drugs to fight off viruses, including one just the other day. No mention whatsoever of taking care of yourself in any of them. Getting out and about. Fresh air. Exercising. Eating a healthy diet. Taking vitamins. Reading between the lines, the clinic seems to define health and wellness by the number of injections of those drugs one has taken. At least that’s how I see it. Perhaps that’s not how you meant it.

In any event, I’m sure you can understand the reasons for my confusion.

If you could clear them up for me, that would be great.

With everlasting thanks,

Your grateful patient

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