Exclusion and Poverty Creation
September 17, 2022
So many politicians say one thing and mean another.
Take, for example, regional councilor Laura Ip. Sadly, she is seeking re-election. This is definitely not the kind of person we need in public office.
On the back of the brochure she dropped off at my door the other day is a list of her “successes” from the 2018-22 term. Among them is “Formed Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Advisory Committee, resulting in the first-ever Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Action Plan for Niagara.” And on her website, she adds, “A declaration by Council of racism, homophobia, transphobia, and all other forms of oppression and stigma (including disability, mental health status, socioeconomic status, etc.) as public health issues, including that the social determinants of health would be considered in budget decisions.”
Sounds impressive. She’s inclusive. Against oppression. Can’t find fault with that.
But when you dig a little deeper, the opposite is true.
Because she and her kind openly support social and physical exclusion. They don’t even think people have the basic right to earn an income to support themselves. At least for those who haven’t taken enough poison injections for their liking. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, federal and provincial law and multiple international treaties to which Canada is a signatory be damned.
The modern-day equivalent of “colored people to the back of the bus” and “don’t buy from Jewish shops.”
Doesn’t exactly scream “inclusive,” does it? In fact, it smells of some serious oppression. The kind you’d find in third-world totalitarian dictatorships.
Another of her self-proclaimed “successes” is “Began development of a Niagara-specific Poverty Reduction Strategy.” She hasn’t implemented a poverty reduction strategy. She’s just beginning to work on one. Just like I’m “beginning development” of a strategy to become a multi-billionaire.
Yet she and her kind have been all for the illegal lockdowns and draconian anti-business measures that have decimated the local economy. In effect, they have turned themselves into poverty creators.
Now she asks you to trust her to help reduce poverty. Which is tantamount to a chicken looking to escape the coop putting its trust in Colonel Sanders.
You’d think she’d at least feel bad for those her policies have harmed. The small business owners. Those who have been put out of work. The many who don’t know where their next meal is coming from. But instead, she’s using her Twitter feed to moan and groan, complaining about the harassment and abuse she’s been subjected to. One day, she had to stay home to regroup. As if she’s the victim.
Cry me a river.
If you support exclusion, high unemployment, rampant poverty and politicians who care more about themselves than about you, then re-elect Laura Ip on October 24.
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