The Garden City Refugee

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Your Government and the Nazis

August 24, 2024

Recently on X/Twitter, in response to my suggestion that we should be demanding Nuremberg-level justice for politicians and public health officials who pursued a genocidal war of aggression against their own people, someone was left appalled and speechless over my comparison of the Canadian government to the Nazis.

He should be appalled. Not at the comparison itself. But because it happens to be so true.

For those who haven’t been keeping score, let us recap just what our government has been up to since the start of the war:

  • They locked us down, forced businesses and churches to close and fined, arrested and prosecuted anyone who held “illegal” gatherings. Some provinces and municipalities even instituted snitch lines.
  • They subjected us to an endless stream of state-funded and state-approved propaganda.
  • They completely disregarded the Constitution, the Canadian Bill of Rights and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
  • In egregious violation of international treaties, they coerced you into taking deadly gene-altering drugs. For those who refused, the government denied you the right to work, feed your family, travel domestically and receive life-saving medical care. Doctors who warned patients of the dangers of those drugs were stripped of their medical licenses.
  • They permitted police to operate as armed bandits, arresting anyone who they didn’t like, including journalists for the “crime” of questioning authority.
  • They violently crushed peaceful protests against government tyranny and beat up, jailed, aggressively prosecuted and froze the bank accounts of protesters.

Maybe it’s just me, but there’s nothing I can see on that list that doesn’t mirror anything that happened during Hitler’s rule of Germany. For some, reality is hard to accept. They would rather bury their heads in the sand like ostriches. Pretend like it never happened. And it’s that kind of attitude that ensures that this will happen again. It’s only a matter of when.

Because those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

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