The Garden City Refugee

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Dear SIHR (again)

February 2, 2024

Dear SIHR:

It’s me again. You know, that good-for-nothing rabble-rouser who made a stink about being denied entry to your annual meeting here in St. Catharines on account of medical segregation, a revulsive concept which you openly supported. Even though you state that whether you are an amateur researcher, an established historian or just a fan of all things hockey, there is a place for you, clearly that only applies to those who volunteered for experimental gene therapy and whose political leanings lie somewhere to the left of Justin Trudeau’s biological father and his band of fellow Cuban revolutionaries.

Anyway, it’s hard to believe it’s been nearly a full year since my membership expired. How time flies. I can’t say I’ve missed any of you and I’ve certainly found much better ways of spending the $45 I otherwise would have put toward my membership, but I couldn’t help but notice the new item on your website. On it, you state that the Board of Directors is inviting present, past and potential SIHR members to fill out a survey to help the SIHR executive and board learn about how members benefit from SIHR products, services, and events, and what improvements might be made.

Well, well.

Even when I was still a member, the numbers were trending in the wrong direction and the fact that you’ve put out the clarion call for feedback like this clearly indicates that your transition from being a highly respected hockey research organization to a political and social justice advocacy group isn’t going as well as you had hoped. Obviously I’m not the only one who has jumped ship.

Though I certainly disagree with your new political direction, I do admire your determination. You’re sticking to your guns. You’ve still got all that stuff about following the recommendations of the Truth and Reconciliation Committee on your website and the agenda of your last spring AGM was entirely race-based and had nothing whatsoever to do with hockey. All in spite of the fact that your constitution mentions nothing about political or social justice issues, nor does it give the president or the executive the power to take a position in SIHR’s name on any issue, hockey or otherwise, without a member-approved amendment. The critics be damned. We’re right and that’s that.

Bud Light went down that road. So did Target. As did ESPN, whose subscriber base was falling faster than Trudeau’s polling numbers until they toned down the political messaging. They all lost countless millions in the process and market share they may never recover. But you clearly think you can buck the trend. Get woke, go broke only applies to others. Not to us. This downturn in membership is just a temporary setback. It’s the economy. Inflation. Changing demographics. Climate change. Egg consumption. Anything. It’s nothing we’re doing that’s driving members away. It can’t be. It’s not possible.

Good luck.

You obviously need it.

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