The Garden City Refugee

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Whose Side Are They On?

January 18, 2024

As this country descends into third-world status, it is becoming increasingly accepted as fact that the federal Liberals are not just grossly incompetent. They are actively trying to destroy Canada. Employing the same “scorched earth” policy that Adolf Hitler unleashed on his own people near the end of the previous world war. Leave future leaders nothing but ashes to conquer.

Unfortunately, however, one can only wonder if that same policy is being employed right here at home.

Without any public input or mandate, the City of St. Catharines recently announced a policy to bar entry to the publicly funded Ontario Street parking garage to anyone without a smartphone. A policy that has the full blessing of Mat Siscoe, who occupies the office of mayor. In a bizarre rant online, he actively defended pushing people away from a struggling downtown, whose merchants are hardly in a position to be liberally discarding would-be customers. All because he finds smartphones convenient. To hell with anyone who doesn’t. Or doesn’t have one. His vote is the only one that counts. Terms and conditions clearly apply when he spouts off on “inclusion,” a concept he claims to champion. His position is even harder to understand when you consider that, when he was a city councilor, “Smartphone” Siscoe represented the downtown area. Little wonder that he tastefully chose to exclude this little plan from his platform.

You might think that at least the St. Catharines Downtown Association would step up to the plate. It is, after all, their mandate to promote the downtown and stick up for the involuntary members within their taxation district. For once, this would be a golden opportunity to make themselves useful. Score some brownie points. Because, like many public-sector bureaucracies and monopolies, Goal #1 is self-preservation.

But sadly, all we heard were the sounds of crickets from the folks at the SCDA. As I stated on X/Twitter, their silence was deafening. No one has been screaming louder than the SCDA as to how their members are drowning in debt from the war loans they were forced to take out. Blood money. Yet they said nothing. Silently acquiescing to putting more barriers to bringing people downtown.

Though they apparently didn’t have time to put in a good word for their members, they did have time to send their sustainability director to make a presentation to council to campaign against Siscoe’s proposal to privatize the City’s forestry services (perhaps the only time I will ever agree with him). Shilling for CUPE and working against the interests of the taxpayers funding her salary. Because public-sector workers can deliver services better and more efficiently than their counterparts in the private sector, said no one ever.

With Siscoe and the SCDA, one is left to ask a very obvious question.

Whose side are they on?

Definitely not ours.

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