The Garden City Refugee

Musings from around the Niagara Region and elsewhere

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November 9, 2023

Over the course of the last year or so, I’ve been alarmed by the surge in medical issues and deaths among those in my social circles.

Consider the following. A friend of a friend, in her mid-70s, with no underlying medical conditions, suddenly dropped dead. Around the same time, a guy I knew, in his mid-60s, otherwise fit and healthy, was diagnosed with throat cancer. He was in excellent position to beat it off. Yet the cancer metastasized to his brain and one year later, he was dead. More recently, another guy I knew, in his mid-50s, took a sudden turn for the worse after complications from a stroke and died. A month ago, a close friend in his mid-60s, fit and active, was diagnosed with cancer. He’s looking at up to six months of chemo, followed by surgery. Assuming he makes it. Then, the other day, I was blindsided by the news that a 70-year-old who I knew, fit, full of life and described as very health conscious, had passed away.

Care to guess as to what all these people have, or had, in common?

You don’t need paranormal powers to figure this one out.

You guessed it. Each one had signed up for the government’s experimental gene therapy. The Pfizer Pfollies or the Moderna Madness, as it might become known to future generations. You know, that’s when people lined up en masse to take multiple shots of untested “vaccines” that the manufacturers had been given blanket immunity from any liability. All to “protect” themselves. Not from the bubonic plague, but from, at worst, a bad flu virus. And for a time, snobbishly bragged about it. Even mocked those who didn’t take it as selfish and tin foil hat conspiracy theorists.

Did any of these people die as a result of the injections? Who knows? Even the finest doctors and pathologists won’t be able to answer that question. But it would be naive in the extreme to suggest that genetically altering and destroying their immune systems couldn’t have played a role. In fact, having their immune systems compromised likely played a significant role in their demise. These days, it has to be assumed until proven otherwise.

Governments and public health officials, of course, would have you believe the fact that all these people took poison was purely coincidental. Just like it’s a coincidence that those same politicians and public health officials who have been telling that us those injections are safe and effective have also been getting massive kickbacks from the Pfizer and Moderna drug cartels.

Those people didn’t fall victim to coinciditis.

Instead, they may very well have paid the ultimate price for trusting their own government.

A sadistic and evil government that is dancing on their graves.

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