The Garden City Refugee

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Strategic Plan Refresh

October 29, 2023

Something interesting came across my feed recently. Apparently the city is undertaking a refresh of their strategic plan. I didn’t even know they had a strategic plan at all. Besides taxing the hell out of us, that is. Then again, this is the “you’re just supposed to know” city. That’s the slogan they should put on all the signage and especially on that display facing the QEW at Ontario Street. But I digress.

For us dummies, they made sure to tell us what a strategic plan is. A road map to guide the work and budgets using a balanced approach to strategic planning that focuses on economic, social, environmental and cultural goals for the community. But despite having so badly missed the mark on all counts, they think that by “refreshing” this plan, their fairy-tale visions of grandeur will all of a sudden become reality. Or something.

That’s why council claims to want to hear from residents and businesses on ways to improve and strengthen their strategic plan. And to that end, they put up a survey on You know, the platform the city launched to make the rabble think that their municipal government actually gives a shit what they think.

Even though I know full well that they want my opinions as much as they want to trim the city’s budget, I humored them anyway and went through the survey.

They started off by asking what kind of community I want St. Catharines to be. Innovative. Caring. Proud. Affordable. Prosperous. Safe. Environmentally sustainable. Diverse. No mention of compassion™. Perhaps they can’t use that term for legal reasons as it’s undoubtedly been trademarked by the previous mayor. As loyal readers might expect, I used the “other” option. “A city that isn’t being controlled by wacko leftists insistent on shoving their view of the world down our throats,” was my answer.

Later, they gave their proposed vision statement as the basis for this strategic plan.

“St. Catharines will be an innovative, sustainable and proud city supported by a municipal government leadership focused on accountability, affordability and responsible stewardship of community resources.”

That they could even suggest anything related to “responsible stewardship of community resources” on the heels of throwing away a multi-million-dollar asset like the Geneva Street property was ludicrous. I said as much in my comments. I called the Great Giveaway criminally irresponsible and said the councilors and the man who occupies the office of mayor should have to use their own personal assets to make restitution to the taxpayers. Somehow, I don’t think that will be taken to heart by the bureaucrats who read it. Call it a hunch.

Many of the remaining questions were prefaced with how the City has a goal for something. Or how the City wants this or the City wants that. Not “should this be a goal at all?” Or “do you want this?” or “do you want that?” It’s about what the politicians want. Not what you, as the ones funding these goals, want.

One of the City’s goals was to maintain and grow St. Catharines as a home to thriving businesses and a diverse and resilient economy. To this end, they wanted to know where the city should “invest” to advance that goal. Using the term politicians and governments love so much to disguise grand larceny. If you take money out of your own pocket to buy a stock or a security, you are “investing.” When politicians use the power of the state to rip money from your wallet, it is theft. But I digress.

Naturally, I gave them another answer they didn’t want to hear. I said businesses have had more than enough of the government’s “help” since the start of the war. More taxation for the city’s “investments” is hurting, not helping.

There was another question on quality-of-life opportunities and where they city should “invest.” Among the options were regarding parks, downtown revitalization and affordable low-cost housing. To this, I answered, “None of the above. Everything you touch turns to shit. Leave us alone! The government is the cause of our problems, not the solution.”

More comments they don’t want to hear.

And of course, there was a question on where should the city “invest” for resiliency in the face of escalating climate change events. The biggest scam of our generation. As I said, it’s just an excuse for more government and higher taxes.

All in all, the survey and the underlying strategic plan was one big steaming pile of bullshit.

This “plan” doesn’t need a refresh.

It needs to be scrapped.

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