The Garden City Refugee

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One Little, Two Little, Three Little Dipshits

October 29, 2023

Yesterday afternoon, I was at the Mahtay Café, where I took a seat on a couch next to a table from the Niagara Free Store. A socially and environmentally responsible enterprise, they say. Not that they really needed to say that to passers-by. The dipshit masks they were wearing certainly gave it away. All three of them standing around the table, in fact, were wearing dipshit masks. I shudder to think of the number of shots such people have taken. What’s the current tally these days? Five? Six? I’ve kind of lost count. Whatever the case, it’s amazing that one can take that many shots and still be alive. As they say, Father Time always wins, but Father Pfizer certainly accelerates the process. But I digress.

The dipshit with curly hair was easily the most vocal of the three. She seemed to be female, though it was hard to tell. Perhaps she is/was a man and had implants to make her look more feminine. No doubt such gender-affirming surgery is now covered by OHIP. Because we’re so inclusive and compassionate™. But again, I digress. Curly Haired Dipshit was chatting with the dipshit carrying a skateboard. Skateboard Dipshit looked male, though his name is Cecelia, the same name as Curly Haired Dipshit’s sister. Perhaps Skateboard Dipshit is also transitioning. Curly Haired Dipshit said that she gets angry if anyone calls her heterosexual, then she offered her thoughts on the Hamas-Israel conflict. You know, the latest war designed to take our attention away from the fact that the biggest threat to Western civilization comes from our own governments. Because the war in Ukraine is growing stale. The masses don’t have long attention spans. But again, I digress. She said her Jewish friends disagree, but she doesn’t, like, support Israel. According to her, not being for Israel is not, like, like, racist.

Skateboard Dipshit then began showing off his skateboard, and in particular, the rough black covering on top of it. Curly Haired Dipshit reached out to feel it and seemed impressed. No doubt it gives him more grip when doing stunts. He soon left and Curly Haired Dipshit took a seat next to the third member of the dipshit trio, who had been largely silent throughout the exchange. He had even done the unthinkable and took off his dipshit mask ever so briefly so he could get a drink of water. No doubt, as he exposed himself to dangerous airborne viruses, he was exceptionally grateful for the “protection” he got from those injections. Thank you science! The two began informing curiosity seekers about their organization and seeking donations. A number of bills were, in fact, in the donation jar.

Perhaps those donations were not for the store, but for their pending funeral expenses.

For when they visit the big vaccine center in the sky.

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