The Garden City Refugee

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The Most Significant Moment in Canadian History

July 2, 2023

On Canada Dominion Day, I saw something on TV where they were asking people on the street what they thought the most significant moment in Canadian history was.

I wasn’t listening to the responses. I couldn’t imagine what people would have come up with and perhaps I don’t even want to know, but if I had been asked, there could only be one answer.

The freedom convoy.

Embed from Getty Images

When normally docile Canadians from coast to coast rose in unison against their oppressors. Not asking for, but demanding the restoration of their basic human rights which had been so cruelly stolen from them by their authoritarian government. The protests generated international headlines and became an example to oppressed people around the world. Without it, we and other nations of the once free world would almost certainly be living under conditions similar to those which existed in 1930s Germany. Concentration camps. A police state with troops on the streets.

It was one of those rare times when I was proud to be a Canadian.

While it was violently crushed by Justin Trudeau, it exposed him both at home and around the globe as the evil tyrant he is. It was his Tiananmen Square moment. The moment that will forever define his dictatorial rule and that history will judge most harshly.

The truckers who descended on Ottawa and stood up to Trudeau’s thugs showed incredible courage. We are forever in their debt. To quote Winston Churchill during the previous world war, “Never was so much owed by so many to so few.”

That’s our moment.

There can be nothing else that comes close.

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