The Garden City Refugee

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And They’re Off

August 22, 2022

Thoughts on the slate of candidates for the upcoming municipal election:

1. After seeing Mat Siscoe’s Sendzcoe’s name stand alone for so long, I was thrilled to see Mike Britton declare his candidacy for mayor two days before the deadline. Britton isn’t perfect. He doesn’t have a lot of real-world experience behind him. But he’s a whole lot better than the second coming of Walter Sendzik. I like Britton’s slogan, “I want you to win.”

2. Part of me was disappointed that Britton decided to run for mayor instead of contesting the local CPC nomination since Krystina Waler seriously needs to be replaced. I can only hope there’s a movement afoot behind the scenes to eject her and bring in someone, well, good.

3. High up on Siscoe’s Sendzcoe’s platform is to install GPS trackers on snowplows. Really? Is this a thing? Don’t we have enough problems without politicians laying awake at night dreaming of ways to spend our money? Rest assured, this voter won’t fall for his snow job.

4. I was pleasantly surprised to see Rebecca Hahn, the PPC candidate in the last federal election, declare her candidacy as a city councilor in Merritton, the most left-wing ward in the city. In so doing, she’s taking on the nutty Greg “A tampon in every bathroom” Miller right on his home turf. Figuratively speaking, she’s got balls.

5. Mark Stevens ran in the Grantham ward in the last election and this time around, he’s running in St. George’s. Four years ago, I voted for him as one of the two least unacceptable candidates, but I’d have a hard time doing likewise this time on account of his support for Sal Sorrento and the Doug Ford Party during the last provincial election.

6. Sandie Bellows’ son Spencer DeWolfe is running for council in the St. Patrick’s ward. Search for him online, and he comes up only as Spencer DeWolfe, yet he’s running as Spencer Bellows-DeWolfe. Honoring your late mother is admirable. Using her death for political gain is most definitely not. But as much as I wouldn’t want to reward such a ploy for sympathy votes, I would probably hold my nose and vote for him if I couldn’t come up with a pair of acceptable candidates in order to ensure the defeat of the Sendzik/Siscoe-approved Liberal appointee Robin McPherson.

7. Word on the street is that first-time candidate Danielle Romanuk is someone I could definitely support if I lived in that ward.

8. Noticeably absent from the list of candidates in St. Patrick’s is the hard-line Stalinist Karrie Porter. Good riddance!

9. I’m seriously hoping Bob Romeo and Steve Wojciechowski will be worthy candidates, because they’re the only alternatives to Dawn “I lost my train of thought” Dodge and Bill “I take your vote for granted” Phillips in Grantham.

10. As usual, the derby for the six regional council candidates is a dog’s breakfast full of unknowns. But at least I know I’m not voting for the professional lesbian Haley Bateman, Laura Ip, Alicia Marshall, John McGill, Trecia McLennon, the CUP candidate in the last federal election, or union hack Dennis Van Meer.

11. Loyal readers can imagine the steam coming out of my ears when I saw the ghost of Jim Bradley’s name come up as a registered candidate. That man has long since passed his expiry date and is a serious embarrassment to our community. As you might suspect, I’m not voting for him either.

12. I’m also not voting for the buffoon Sal Sorrento, who’s undoubtedly waiting for that cushy provincial job promised to him by Doug Ford once the election is over. Exactly as I told Sal on the phone when he called me.

13. Matthew Bradman looks like someone I’ll definitely be voting for, along with Peter Secord, my choice in the 2014 mayoral race. But I need four more names to fill out my ballot and I don’t as yet know who they will be.

14. I also don’t know who I’ll be supporting for school trustee, but I know I won’t be voting for the radical leftist Kate Baggott.

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