The Garden City Refugee

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Bad at Math

April 17, 2022

A stroll through the downtown core rarely fails to disappoint this snarky writer. This morning’s visit was no exception.

Sticking out of the ATM on St. Paul Street was this receipt. The cash was gone, of course, but the customer who used the ATM at 4:09 am didn’t bother taking his receipt.

As you can see, this poor sap doesn’t have much material wealth to his name. Following his $20 withdrawal, he was left with all of $7.43 in his checking account. Yet he had $3 to spare for the convenience of using a white-label ATM. Each of the major banks has a branch within a block of this ATM. But it apparently would have been too much effort for this down-and-out soul to use one of them and save the extra $3 he doesn’t have.

This is not a case of the system failing.

It’s a case of his brain failing.

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