My Books
You can also visit my Amazon author page
| Coming Up Short, the comprehensive history of the Jets’ years in the NHL ... more |
| The Last Season, my memoir on the final season of Winnipeg Jets hockey ... more |
| The Complete Winnipeg Jets Statistical Register (1972-96), the complete statistical reference guide for the Winnipeg Jets ... more |
| Jet Stream, stories from the Winnipeg Jets Booster Club newspaper ... more |
| Challenge ’76: The World Series of Hockey, a work of historical fiction on what may have happened had the Jets met the Montreal Canadiens in 1976 ... more |
| Winnipeg Jets: The WHA Years Day by Day, an exhaustive and detailed day-by-day history of the WHA Jets ... more |
| View from Section 26, a fan’s look at the minor leagues featuring pro hockey’s most unwanted team ... more |
| Fallen Generals, the history of the USFL’s glamour team ... more |
| Tales from the Dog Pound, chronicling the Canadian junior hockey fan experience ... more |
| Broken Wings, the sordid history of the NHL’s Atlanta Thrashers ... more |
Other Titles
| Wild and Wacky Workplaces: Love Triangles, Bureaucratic Empire Builders, Dingbat Recruiters and More, a collection of true stories from various jobs ... more |
| The Killing List, a gory thriller featuring a madman given three months to live who goes on a rampage settling old scores ... more |
| Unfinished Business, the second in The Killing List series, features another madman on the loose determined to finish the job ... more |
| Just. Plain. Stupid., a stranger-than-fiction true story of how a moron plucks an email address out of thin air and begins using it to sign up with hundreds of websites ... more |
| The Protector, a mystery featuring a determined detective who butts heads with a devious and diabolical adversary who targets anyone who stands in his way ... more |
| The Contented Cows, a bad IT job becomes the ultimate financial services horror story ... more |
| On the Bus Again, tales from riding the buses between Winnipeg and Minneapolis ... more |
| Shattered Dreams, the diary and downfall of a Utopian socialist in the heart of the Canadian prairies ... more |
| My Journey with Carli, featuring the story of Carli Ward and her last few months of life in Grace Hospice ... more |