The Garden City Refugee

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Quiz Time

March 19, 2025

“OK, boys and girls, it’s quiz time.”

Sitting there trapped in a classroom, those are the words little Johnny dreads. He hates studying and reading textbooks. He hates listening to his teacher. She’s a whiny little bitch. And he especially hates quizzes and tests. He’d much rather doodle or play on the swings. But his teacher is grabbing a stack of papers and passing them around. Licking her fingers with every one. As if he wants any of her spit. He’d love to make a paper airplane out of it and toss it right back at her. He’s gotten pretty good at making paper airplanes too. Not as good as Frank, who sits in the back of the room. Still, he’s pretty good himself. But he knows that if he does, he’ll get his ass hauled off to the principal’s office again. He’s getting tired of that. So instead, he grabs a pencil. He’ll try to go along with the program. This time. When a sheet lands on his desk, he takes a look at it. At least it’s short, he muses. It won’t take me long. And so, he proceeds to scribble down his answers.


1. Name the prime minister of Canada:   

2. Name the governing party of Canada:   

3. Is Canada a democracy or a dictatorship?   

4. True or false. The government acts in the best interests of Canadians.   

5. True or false. Canadians are free to express themselves and to question the government.   

6. Name the official languages of Canada:   

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