The Garden City Refugee

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On the Road – Snoozing Dipshits, Bad Spellers, Gay Pancakes and More

October 1, 2024

Highlights and lowlights from yesterday’s bus-foot trek to and from Niagara Falls State Park:

1. Take this nauseating grovel-fest and shove it. As someone said online, it should be called Lies and Indoctrination Day.

2. And a good day to you too . . .

3. In something that hardly came as a surprise, someone approached the GO bus with a big lighted NIAGARA FALLS sign out front and asked the driver if he was going to Burlington. No trip is seemingly complete without at least one such occurrence. It’s a wonder how drivers don’t lose it and scream at those people.

4. Seated nearby on the Falls-bound GO bus was a DWAM™ who was snoozing. But after waking up as the bus got closer to the Falls, she took off her dipshit mask. Perhaps she felt she needed to have it on while sleeping because viruses go into attack mode when you’re not awake and less able to fend them off.

5. Halloween is still a month away and yet people already have their lawns filled with this stuff . . .

6. Flags from various nations around the world, including Quebec . . .

7. I’d like to see how this garage parks itself . . .

8. Scenes at the pedestrian toll gate before leaving Ostdeutschland Canada. At the Niagara bridges, cars and bikes pay tolls Canada-bound, but pedestrians at the Rainbow Bridge have to pay when leaving Canada. Change machines are provided and there is one dedicated turnstile for those with wheelchairs or large bags.



9. The international boundary line in the middle of the bridge:

10. For those who need to drop off a tour bus . . .

11. For the first time, I visited the old Schoellkopf Power Plant site and took the free elevator down to the gorge . . .


12. Street art under the Rainbow Bridge . . .


13. Save Greg . . .

14. Not far from that scene was a Hutterite family taking pictures of the falls with their smartphones. Later, I spotted a Hutterite woman talking to someone on what looked to be a CB radio. I kind of bristled when a friend recently told me that, as someone without a smartphone, I lived “off the grid,” but when I spotted the Hutterites with smartphones, I knew he was right. I really do live off the grid. And darned proud of it.

15. Also nearby was a chubby guy wearing a T-shirt with the message, “I’m too old to live under socialism. I’m too addicted to basic necessities like food, toilet paper and shoes.”

16. Just light up next to a sign that says, “Smoking is prohibited in this area.”

17. For anyone looking to set up a “reataurant” . . .

18. Does this require surgery?

19. Too bad I missed out on these gay pancakes . . .

20. “Freshley” made . . .

21. The long arm of the law . . .

22. While in line waiting at Ostdeutschland Canada Customs, I saw one scruffy dude being refused entry and escorted out of the building. “No green card, no citizen,” he said as he made his way back across the bridge. “They said I forgot, um, something.” But unlike the case of a couple of friends who drove across during the war and were refused entry to the U.S. under Title 19 for the “crime” of having their DNA intact, they didn’t make the guy pay the toll.

23. I nearly became physically ill when I spotted the orange chairs inside the Starbucks across the street from the Rainbow Bridge. As if I needed another reason not to patronize Starbucks.

24. I took note of this sign on the garbage can in the parking lot of the Ontario travel information center near the 420 & Stanley bus stop. And I suppose they consider Queen’s Park or some other government building “private” property as well.

25. I thought it was rather fitting that the sign indicating that the travel information center was closed for the government’s grovel-fest was hung upside down.

26. One of the passengers waiting at the 420 & Stanley stop asked the driver of the #12B, the express bus to Burlington, if she was making all the stops. “No,” she said. “I’m just going to the Burlington.” It’s good I didn’t take that bus since I was going to “the” St. Catharines.

27. The driver of the #12 GO bus which showed up soon after the #12B looked an awful lot like Charles Bronson.

28. At the Niagara College stop, one woman asked the driver if he was going to the outlet mall. Instead of saying, “No, I’m just going to Fairview Mall,” he should have answered, “You need a bus to take you across the street?”

29. Following that exchange, two older women asked the driver of a bus with a big lighted BURLINGTON CARPOOL sign out front if he was going to Burlington. After he answered “Yes,” one of them said, “It’s our first time traveling.” So, in other words, first-time travelers lose their ability to read?

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