The Garden City Refugee

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Random Thoughts – Diverging Diamond Interchange, Bumbling Politicians, Hovercrafts and More

October 1, 2022

1. Video walkthrough of the mostly completed diverging diamond interchange at the QEW and Glendale, the first of its kind in Ontario:

As I’ve heard it said online, insurance companies are going to love this. If you’ve got some time, grab a lawn chair and a bowl of popcorn and watch the fun.

2. A friend of mine recently got a brochure from city council candidate Tom Neale, who’s running in the St. Andrew’s ward. A “polittician” who wwants your vvote . . .

In fairness, when my friend emailed him and pointed out the error, Tom was apologetic and gave a mea culpa. Unlike so many others, including Niagara Folk Arts, which had a word misspelled on their sign and left it up there for months after I had drawn their attention to it on social media.

Yet when I checked Tom’s website, he couldn’t even get the year on the bottom of the page right. This would-be “polittician” obviously still has a lot of work to do . . .

3. You think Spencer could be more obvious that he’s the son of the late Sandie Bellows?

3a. That he feels the need to rely so heavily on his late mother’s name tells me as a voter that he brings absolutely nothing to the table himself, and as such, should be summarily dismissed as a serious candidate.

4. Recall that days after voting to push undesirables away from regional council meetings for a second time, mayoral candidate Mat Siscoe Matler Sendzcoe issued a grand announcement telling the masses how he wants politicians to be more accessible. So how does he respond when I call him out on his hypocrisy? By hiding my comment. No doubt, he’ll soon be taking one out of Sal Sorrento’s playbook and blocking me. When Liberals say “accessible,” they mean accessible only to those who agree with them.

5. Constructive criticism for candidates:

  • Voters want to hear from you. They also want to be heard. Engage them in dialog, don’t deliver a monologue.
  • If the ‘F’ word is a regular part of your vocabulary, lose it before you go to the door. It won’t impress anyone.

6. Forgive me for thinking the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario was a medical regulator looking out for doctors and patients and not a purveyor of left-wing politics . . .

7. I was among many who attended the open house for Hoverlink Ontario this past week, where they gave details on the proposed hovercraft link between Port Weller and Toronto. To say the least, I wasn’t the only skeptic on hand. Many such attempts have failed in the past and there are so many unanswered questions that there’s little reason to believe this attempt will be any more successful. I hope they can make it work, but I’ll believe it when I see it.

8. With the beginning of the hockey season upon us, the alert reader might be aware that it has been nearly five full years since the Meridian Center last saw my shadow. And I’m not going back. Even if the IceDogs are now partially owned by a former WHA player.

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