The Garden City Refugee

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The Real Heroes

February 18, 2023

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Ever since our governments declared their murderous war of aggression against us, we've been fed an endless stream of lies and deception. Among them are that our heroes are in hospitals. Nurses. Doctors. Along with “essential” workers in places like grocery stores.

But as the truth comes to light three years later, we’ve found out who the real heroes are.

It’s those who saw this war for what it was from Day One. Those who championed the cause of freedom when it wasn’t cool. Those who resisted the call to be injected with a dangerous and potentially lethal drug. Those who saw the government, not a virus, as the real enemy.

Those who lost their jobs. Lost friends and family. Illegally prevented from traveling. Denied access to their doctor or life-saving medical treatment. Unable to go to restaurants, bars or sporting events. Those who were shamed, ridiculed, ostracized, demonized, discriminated against, disrespected and insulted. Those who survived the lockdowns with their sanity.

And especially those who led the Freedom Convoy. Those who awakened a nation known for its docile people and served as a beacon of hope not just here in Canada but around the world.

Those are the real heroes among us.

Those who said NO.

“No” to the medical “experts” who pushed poison. “No” to the politicians and bureaucrats who acted with a level of cruelty that hasn’t been seen since Hitler ruled Germany.

If you’re one of them, stand up and take a bow. And while you’re at it, take the time to flash a middle finger at those who called you garbage. Assholes. Idiots. Selfish.

You’ve earned it.

And then some.

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