Curtis Walker

Author, WHA/Winnipeg Jets historian, USFL/New Jersey Generals historian, snarky humorist, highway enthusiast, libertarian.
Recovering ex-Winnipegger. Proud resident of St. Catharines.

“Socialism fails when it runs out of other people's money.” - Margaret Thatcher
“Every increase in the size of government necessitates a decrease in an individual's freedom.” - Christian Harold Fletcher Riley
“Government is the most dangerous and destructive virus on the planet.” - Me
“We are well aware that if we commit certain actions against our neighbors, fighting and impoverishment will result. Somehow we think these same actions create peace and plenty if applied to our community, state, nation, and world.” - Dr. Mary J. Ruwart


Winnipeg Jets
Memorial Site

A detailed look at the 1972-96 Winnipeg Jets and the main reason most of you visit this site.

Hall of Fame

Preserving the proud legacy of the World Hockey Association.

The Manitoba
“Fighting” Moose

A look back at pro hockey’s most unwanted team.


All the numbers from the 1983-1985 spring league.



A listing of the books I’ve written.



Musings from your highly opinionated, snarky and sarcastic host.

In Memoriam
Carli Ward

A tribute to a dear friend who passed away much too young.

Customized Map

Geocode any location in the world with this customized OpenStreetMap.


Road Photos

Road photos from across North America. And many of them.

Parking Fail

Some of the worst parking jobs captured on camera.

Rumble Channel

Video from my travels.

Odysee Channel

Video from my travels. Again.

YouTube Channel

Even more video from my travels, though the Rumble & Odysee channels are more current.

Vanity Plates of Ontario

The best of the vanity plate capital of the Western world.

Misspelled Signs

Proper spelling has indeed become a lost art.

Other Photos

A small collection of my photos.


If you want to get a hold of me for whatever reason.

Cancer is a temporary existence, but the human spirit and determination are immortal. -- Mary Sigsworth, April 17, 2005
