How about a “cornes” beef sandwich |
 Help finding “accomadations” |
 Visit Royalist “Jewelles” |
 Stop “prematrue” balding |
 Visit St. “Cathainres” |
 Still “avaialble” |
 Get off your “pedistal” |
 Eat your “vegatables” |
 Relax in the “jaccuzzi” |
 “Zuccinni” is good for you |
 Need any “storeage” space? |
 Good selection of “mattress’s” |
 Spend some quality time with your “famliy” |
 Stop “bulling” |
 Honor St. “Franics” |
 May I have your “attenion” |
 Enjoy a night out at the “teatre” |
 A new “begining” |
 Book your “apointment” today |
 How “in-convenient” that they don’t “axcept” “depit” |