Get on your “bicyce” and ride |
 Watch your blood “pressare” |
 List your home on “Kajii” |
 Fish on “Frday” |
 Look for an “independant” advisor |
 The “managment” makes all the difference |
 Replace your “batterys” here |
 Everything’s “availabe” |
 “Sauage” on a bun |
 Send in your “registraitions” now |
 National “Aborginal” Day |
 Pick up some “souviners” |
 Get a room with a “kitchenet” |
 Get your “computeer” fixed here |
 “Tranfer” your prescription here |
 “Muclh” for your garden |
 It takes a lot to compete in a “triahlon” |
 Listen to the “childens” choir |
 Happy “annivesary” |
 How “amesome” |