The Garden City Refugee

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On the Road – Malodorous Passengers, Washroom Wisdom, Color-Coordinated Dipshits and More

February 12, 2025

Highlights and lowlights from yesterday’s trek to and from Pearson Airport:

1. Upon taking my seat on the Burlington-bound GO bus, a guy from Toronto seated across the aisle was eyeing me up suspiciously. What the hell did I do to you? I wondered.

2. As we made our way toward Burlington, I noticed an unusually high number of Niagara-bound big rigs on the QEW.

3. At Grimsby, a guy from Toronto who had been marinating in some sort of body wash took a seat next to me. It was one of those moments when I wished I had one of those industrial-grade respirators on hand.

4. Inside the washroom at the Burlington GO station was a sign that read, “Trudeau, Carney, Singh, Freeland, Gould – all corrupt WEF alumni. Destroying Canada for the left WEF.” Truer words were never spoken.

5. I’m assuming the guy on the platform at Burlington with a bike was unaware of the restrictions on taking bikes on Union-bound morning rush hour trains. Either that or he just didn’t give a shit.

6. From the window of my car on the Lakeshore West train, I spotted a guy with his dog on a snow-covered baseball field. The guy was scooping up shovels full of snow and throwing the snow in the air, after which his dog would leap up into the snow shower. I can’t say I had ever seen such a thing before.

7. You think they used enough salt on the platform at Mimico?

8. Once again, it seemed as though it took longer to get off the train at Union and into the concourse than it did to get to Union from Burlington. The wait to get down the stairs was agonizingly slow. For all the improvements they’ve been making at Union, not getting more stairs to and from the platform was a big miss.

9. Spotted in Union was an ad for some brand of cheezies. 100% Canadian cheese, 0% American cheese, the ad said. Government-fueled anti-American rhetoric like that only makes me want to visit the U.S. even more.

10. DWAMs™ wearing medical-grade N95 masks. One could put their pictures in a dictionary as an illustration next to the term “Stockholm syndrome.”


11. A particularly forlorn fellow on the #2 line . . .

12. New on the #900 Airport Express TTC bus are USB charging ports.

13. No better way to welcome travelers than with another DWAM™ whose brain is permanently broken . . .

14. Speaking of DWAMs™, one Asian couple on the link train had color coordinated dipshit masks. His was blue, while hers was pink.

15. Others . . .

16. This dude must have a long wait before his flight . . .

17. This DWAM™ at Terminal 1 risked life and limb by taking down her dipshit mask so she could eat. But she was wolfing that food down as fast as she could in order to minimize her risk. While watching this scene, I wondered if it was more funny or pathetic.


18. On the 403, a truck from Canada Six Fortune Enterprises made a left lane change despite the presence of a white SUV directly alongside him. Had the SUV driver not immediately swerved to his left into the HOV lane, the SUV would have been smashed from the side.

19. On Fairview Street, a gray SUV cut off the #12 GO bus I was on. Seconds later, the #12B GO bus, which had left just ahead of us, cut the SUV off. Instant karma, Metrolinx style.

20. The remains of a car on the QEW that had obviously caught fire . . .


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