The Garden City Refugee

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Thoughts on the Ontario Provincial Election

February 28, 2025

Thoughts on the Ontario provincial election:

1. As expected, Doug Ford’s Liberals won another majority term. Not because he or his party are terribly popular. In fact, Ford might be the most hated man in the province. Rather, he won because the mainstream alternatives are decidedly worse. Dating back to 2003, it marked the seventh consecutive victory by the Liberals. And please spare me the “Doug Ford is a conservative” line. If you really still believe that, I’ve got some oceanfront property in Arizona to sell you.

2. As happy as Ford and his team of minions and barking seals undoubtedly are at getting another four years at Queen’s Park, they might even be happier that their chief rivals, the red Liberals, got only 14 seats and their leader again didn’t win her own seat. After all, that was the real reason why Ford called the snap election. Donald Trump was simply a convenient excuse to call the unnecessary election so he could kick the red Liberals while they’re down and keep them in the political wilderness for another four years. I expect Ford to be sending Trump a fruit basket to show his appreciation to the commander-in-chief.

3. The 45.4% turnout was larger than I expected, though still disappointing. As with the last election, I suspect disgust at the lack of real choice was one of the major factors, though the New Blue Party did offer such a choice. But of course, the New Blue and their common-sense platform continues to be shut out by the mainstream media.

4. The New Blue Party didn’t show all that well this time around, though perhaps not surprising given how Ford’s rivals were caught with their pants down because of the unexpected election call. They’re not going away, however, and I was again proud to cast a ballot for my local New Blue candidate.

5. Rob Atalick, who ran for the New Blue in St. Catharines, was quite active on social media during the election and proved to be an excellent candidate. I hopes he isn’t discouraged and runs again. With much real-world practical experience under his belt, he brings a lot to the table.

6. A shout out to all the New Blue candidates who put their names out there to give us a real choice other than returning our ballots on election day.

7. So much for the polls that predicted solid wins for the Doug Ford candidates in St. Catharines and Niagara Center along with a toss-up in Niagara Falls. Instead, it was a clean sweep for the Communist Union Party. Some times polls are right. And some times, they’re horribly wrong. Take them with a grain of salt.

8. Can someone please tell me what the attraction to Jennie Stevens is? Same with Wayne Gates in Niagara Falls. Is it something in the water in these parts? If it is, it makes me grateful for having a water filter.

9. As much as I wanted to see Stevens defeated, I’m equally pleased that the goofball Sal Sorrento, a cross between Norm and Cliff in the Cheers bar, didn’t become my MPP.

10. Dear Robin McPherson: It’s up to you, but should you run again, you might want to consider leaving your picture off your election signs. Your mugshot was anything but flattering.

11. Speaking of something in the water, what’s the deal in Guelph and Kitchener, where Fascist Green Party candidates won again, and by large margins? I just don’t get it. I mean, I get being anti-establishment. But voting Fascist Green is like cutting your arm off at the shoulder because of an unsightly wart on the tip of your finger.

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