Dear Mark Carney
February 26, 2025
Dear Mark Carney:
Thank you for the call the other night from someone on your campaign team. Even though I had long since canceled the Liberal “membership” someone created in my name, it was so nice of you to think of me. I must say, I was surprised that you’re even bothering to go through the ritual of campaigning. I had thought that your ascension to the leadership was already a fait accompli. It’s no secret that your friends at the WEF have you pegged for bigger and better things. You’ve all but admitted it publicly. You’re proud of being an elitist and globalist. And that’s what Canada needs, you say. But I guess you still have to make it look good for the benefit of the masses. I get it.
Of course, no independent journalists are allowed to attend your campaign events. Despite the fact that you openly criticized your rivals for doing exactly the same thing, you had police forcibly remove anyone from the premises who wasn’t a paid Liberal whore. Like the Liberal that you are, when you talk about inclusion, that doesn’t mean welcoming everyone. Certainly not free and independent thinkers. Heavens no. There’s a limit to your tolerance and it abruptly ends at those who don’t toe the party line.
Back to your message, though. I listened to it with interest as someone named Anna spoke and asked me for my support of your campaign. I must say that Anna sounded like someone with the personality of a wet cardboard box. Much like you, in fact. I couldn’t help but wonder if Anna was an AI chatbot or a real human. If I had to take a guess, it would be the former. Couldn’t say I blame you if I was right. AI is the wave of the future and you’re obviously on board with that.
Anna said that Canadians are struggling and that you have a plan to fix that. How interesting, I thought. The Liberals are the primary reason Canadians are struggling. It’s the combination of Liberal overspending and mass immigration that’s causing this country to fall apart before our very eyes. Naturally, those are details you’re hoping us little peons conveniently forget. You’re also undoubtedly hoping that us little peons forget that you were on the inside with Justin Trudeau causing the very same problems you say you have a plan to fix. Because you’re not an outsider, as you claim to be. In fact, you’ve probably been behind the scenes pulling Justin’s strings for years now. You’re more of an insider than any of your rivals.
I think that, when it’s all said and done, you should be relieved that I had my “membership” canceled. I really don’t know who I’d have supported if I had a ballot in this race, but I’m pretty certain you wouldn’t have been at the top of the list. Call it a hunch.
So as this race winds up, I’m hoping I’ve heard the last from you.
I’d sooner gargle with motor oil than support you or the Liberals.
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