Random Thoughts – Team Canada 1974, Lawn Rolling, Beach Parking and More
May 3, 2021
1. Those like me who are interested in WHA history will no doubt want to watch last week’s episode of Hockey Time Machine, in which former WHA players Mark Howe, Rick Smith, Andre Lacroix, Brad Selwood and Rick Ley talk about their experiences playing for Team Canada in the 1974 series against the Soviet Union.
2. On another hockey note, Dino Ciccarelli and Harold Ballard are in the Hockey Hall of Fame, while Pat Stapleton, Anders Hedberg and J.C. Tremblay are not. Explain that one to me, if you can.
3. Why is lawn rolling a thing?
4. Did I read it right that the City of St. Catharines wants to start charging people to park at Lakeside and Sewage Beaches? This just in. We’re not a big tourist trap like Niagara Falls where they can charge pretty much whatever they want and get away with it. Visitors should be strongly encouraged, not nickel-and-dimed.
4a. “Growth, opportunity, jobs.” - Walter Sendzik, October 9, 2014.
5. I continue to be amazed by the number of people who complain bitterly about telemarketers and scammers, yet continue to pick up the phone every time it rings. Just because someone calls, it doesn’t mean you have to pick up the phone. Just like you don’t have to answer the door when someone rings the bell. Simple rule of thumb: If you don’t recognize the number, don’t answer it. Legitimate callers will leave a message.
6. Though the masses are starting to wake up, there are still far too many out there who can’t fathom the possibility that the government . . .
- isn’t acting in their best interest.
- has ulterior motives.
- is being less than truthful with them.
7. I’m going to throw a couple of quotes out there from two former U.S. presidents. Their relevance to current events is left as an exercise to the reader.
“Either you will control your government, or the government will control you.” – Ronald Reagan.
“From the experience of World War II, I learned that war comes about by two things – by a lust for power on the part of a few evil leaders and by a weakness on the part of the people whose love for peace too often displays a lack of courage that serves as an open invitation to all the aggressors of the world.” – Lyndon Johnson.
8. Dear Doug Ford: It doesn’t matter how much you bend the knee to the radical left. They will never vote for you. But as you continue to cave in to every demand those radicals make, you lose votes from those who did support you.
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