Around Town – Free Goodies, Assorted Garbage, Political Incorrectness and More
May 3, 2021
Highlights and lowlights from a stroll around town:
1. Not just one, but three free mattresses . . .
2. ‘X’ marks the pole . . .
3. Just dump your ice cream treat on the street . . .
3a. Not only is littering the wrong thing to do, but I could only shake my head when I thought of how much they must have paid for that.
4. Since when do churches need to post sports updates?
4a. I’m amazed as to how little I care about professional sports these days.
5. Just toss the remnants of your takeout meal on the side of the road . . .
6. Just get it somewhere close to the bin . . .
7. The bus stop at Fairview Mall apparently now doubles as a garbage dump . . .
8. Tell you what, Mr. Mayor. When you and council start confining yourselves to essential activities and expenses, then I’ll consider confining myself to “essential” trips.
9. Ooooh. Extreme political incorrectness on our highways.
10. Or just let the law of natural selection run its course . . .
11. If the shoe fits . . .
12. Only those who are “reasponsible” and have a driver’s “licsence” need apply . . .
13. Loyal readers are well aware as to how many misspelled signs I’ve spotted over the years, but this is a doozy:
14. This “to” shall pass . . .
15. Under the “I want attention” file, I spotted a woman standing at the end of her driveway doing calisthenics.
15a. These are often the same people who complain about being gawked at.
16. Who am I to argue?
17. Those who know of my affinity for poultry will know why I couldn’t resist this shot:
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