Garbage Day – Soft Drink and Diaper Wars, Soiled Underpadding, Violet the Cat and More
March 24, 2020
Highlights from a garbage-day stroll around the neighborhood:
1. No doubt the biggest prize for the garbage-day scavengers was a power vac left at the curb by reformed hoarders. One of these days, I’m expecting to see fights break out on the street over such abandoned treasures.
2. I don’t expect fights to break out over the nearby roll of soiled underpadding. Methinks that’s one the garbagepeople will have to take care of on their own.
3. Down the street, one family decided to keep their stash at the door until later in the morning. I presume they were miffed and/or embarrassed over last week when one scavenger spent several minutes picking over and eventually hauling away their abnormally high number of discarded liquor bottles and beer cans.
4. One family had a serious addiction to soft drinks and they weren’t terribly particular about the brand. If it was carbonated and in an aluminum can, they were all over it. Other such families, however, had more specific tastes. One had a full plastic bag split down the middle between Coke and Pepsi, while another was Pepsi all the way.
5. Despite the popularity of Costco and soft drinks, I didn’t spot one can of Costcoke at the curb, though I did spot an empty tub of Costcake.
6. One family was seemingly going through laundry detergent by the case. My guess is either a newborn or an elderly relative.
7. Speaking of newborns, the diaper box count was split down the middle between Pampers and Huggies.
8. One family was apparently unaware of the directive to wash out the food residue before tossing plastic containers in the blue box. Or they simply didn’t care. Either way, someone is going to be none too pleased to see a full tub of peanut butter coming down the line.
9. This photo was left abandoned on top of an electrical transformer. It probably means a lot to someone.
10. Nutrition wasn’t a top priority for one family with pizza boxes, Chapman’s ice cream containers and empty boxes of Kraft Dinner filling up their blue box.
11. Don’t mess with the guy who has an empty tub of protein supplements in his blue bin as he’s probably been pumping iron.
12. Popular beer brands included Coors, Busch Light, Molson Canadian and Bud Light, though there was no clear winner among them.
13. One family had enough plastic water bottles in their blue bin to give Mayor Sendzik a coronary.
14. If the family who lost Violet the Cat spent a small fraction of the time keeping the feline indoors as they did in plastering the entire north end with posters offering a $200 reward for her return, poor Violet would be safe at home where she belongs.
15. Spotted in one bin was a jug of Hawaiian Punch. I didn’t know they still made that stuff.
16. When they say take your garbage to the curb, someone took it literally:
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