The Garden City Refugee

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Current Affairs PSA

March 4, 2025

For the benefit of the gullible and uninformed who are addicted to state media, allow me to recap the current state of affairs with respect to President Trump’s tariffs on Canada.

The same government that . . .

  • taxes you mercilessly
  • forced you to take gene-altering poison that, if you’ve survived thus far, is making you dreadfully sick
  • after giving itself a monopoly on health care, has mismanaged the system and your tax money so badly that you are forced to leave the country for life-saving medical care or risk dying on a waiting list
  • denied you the right to receive that health care for non-compliance with their medical edicts
  • frozen your bank account for protesting their unparalleled tyranny
  • locked you down, making you a virtual prisoner in your own home
  • forced countless businesses to go under
  • censors what you can read online
  • actively conspires with mainstream media to feed you an endless stream of state-sponsored lies
  • trampled on your most basic human rights
  • driven up the cost of living with ruinous inflation, forcing many out of their homes and on to the street
  • imported hundreds of thousands of migrants who are mooching off the system and hate the country and the core values of many of its citizens

. . . want you now to believe that Donald Trump is the Great Destroyer of Canada.

Don’t be fooled.

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