The Garden City Refugee

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Line in the Sand

June 1, 2024

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During his illegal government’s reign of terror, Justin Trudeau has left an unparalleled trail of destruction in his wake that will take the country a generation or longer to recover from. He has trampled on our most basic rights and freedoms, launched a genocidal war of aggression against his own people, flooded our country with illegals who are mooching off the system and has deliberately made the basic necessities of life unaffordable to increasing numbers of Canadians.

And yet, if an election were called today, one in four would still vote for him.

One can only ask how much more he has to do before dyed-in-the-wool Liberals stop supporting him.

Yet the same holds true for principled conservatives here in Ontario who continue to support Doug Ford.

Unfathomable as it sounds today, Ford ran on a platform of fiscal responsibility. He would balance the books. Provide relief to the business community. Put an end to the radical sex-ed program introduced by Kathleen Wynne.

But even before the war, Ford did a complete about-face. Today, he makes Wynne, whose reckless fiscal policies horrified many ardent Liberals, look like a prudent money manager. Like Trudeau, he also launched a genocidal war of aggression against his own people, poisoning millions with the death shot. Even now, as overwhelming evidence mounts as to the dangers of those shots, his government is still actively pushing them. Health care workers who haven’t taken them still cannot work in Ontario hospitals.

As part of that war, he laid waste to the private sector with his illegal lockdowns. His “open for business” slogan has become nothing more than laughable comedy. Sex-ed and woke ideology remains alive and well in schools in Ford’s Ontario. The Wynne sex-ed program might as well be called the Ford sex-ed program, since it’s been in longer under Ford than under Wynne. And he’s got a raging bromance with Trudeau, the man he fervently campaigned against and who principled conservatives loathe and are desperately trying to defeat.

Amazingly, however, many conservatives still stand with Ford, who has completely betrayed his traditional voter base in every way imaginable. At least Trudeau, for all his faults, never campaigned as a conservative.

“Well, he’s better than the NDP or the Liberals,” is a refrain I’ve often heard. Which is technically true. But being slightly less horrible than the NDP is hardly a reason to go knocking on doors for Ford. As Patrick Brown once said, there’s no point in having a conservative party that isn’t conservative. I also heard that one of Ford’s candidates claimed he didn’t support the vaccine mandates, but he still ran for Ford anyway because he thought he could be a voice of moderation on the inside. That’s like saying you didn’t support sending millions of Jews to be gassed in Auschwitz, but you still ran for Hitler because you thought it would be the best way to reason with him.

One can only wonder how much more Ford has to do before principled conservatives stop supporting him.

Where’s their line in the sand?

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