The Garden City Refugee

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Around Town – Roadside Goodies, Pigging Out, Mobile Encampments and More

June 12, 2020

Highlights and lowlights from another stroll around town:

1. How about some blessings for the three million unemployed Canadians who aren’t allowed to be on the job?

2. What’s this? A business owner daring to open his doors? No doubt Emperor Doug “Closed for Business” Ford has already dispatched the paddy wagon.

3. Row, row, row your boat . . .

4. A big raspberry to the cyclists riding three abreast down Main Street in Port Dalhousie this morning. Respect on the road is a two-way street.

5. If the shoe fits . . .

6. Free underwear. A good brand name too.

7. Don’t go to an e-waste facility, just dump your used batteries and lighters by a garbage can in a park. Let the city take care of it.

8. Other assorted roadside merchandise:


9. Don’t bother using that brand-new sidewalk, just jog on a busy road. You get more attention that way.

9a. Methinks there would be far fewer people out there jogging if they could see how stupid they look.

10. Now who said there’s a shortage of masks?

11. Everything a growing heavyweight needs:

11a. It’s “vinaigrette,” not “vinegratte.”

12. My father would call this “Ukrainian air conditioning”:

12a. Another business that’s open? Emperor Ford will have a fit if he gets wind of it.

13. Just dump your cigarette butts out on the side of the road.

14. If only my government would let me . . .

15. Signs of a thriving downtown:

16. This morning, crews were out and about hauling away those kiosks around downtown. Not that the riff-raff hanging around the library and the farmer’s market will miss them much.

17. Speaking of riff-raff hanging around the library, this community resident bum dressed in a bedsheet and hospital-issued pants carrying all he possesses in a small plastic bag took a seat nearby and was busy tapping his feet keeping time to the music in his head. From the looks of him, he was undoubtedly still half-asleep after going into a substance-induced slumber sometime in the middle of the night.

17a. He had probably just gotten out of the hospital in the last few days as, unlike his badly soiled shoes, his pants looked comparatively clean.

18. Nearby, under the overhang next to the main doors, was another community resident bum stretched out on a sleeping bag keeping watch on a pair of shopping carts in which all his worldly possessions were stored while puffing on a cigarette. At least he didn’t ask me for money.

19. When and if the St. Catharines Public Political Library reopens, they’re going to have a hell of a job evicting the community residents bums from the grounds and cleaning up the filth they’ve left behind.

20. Someone must have recently come from the SPRM . . .

21. Give us this day our daily bread . . .

22. More mobile encampments:


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