Card#   Card Name                     Card Type        Rarity
BO-109  Veemon                        Rookie           Common 
BO-110  Wormmon                       Rookie           Common
BO-111  Hawkmon                       Rookie           Common
BO-112  Armadillomon                  Rookie           Common
BO-113  Patamon                       Rookie           Common
BO-114  Salamon                       Rookie           Common
BO-115  Agumon                        Rookie           Common
BO-116  Gabumon                       Rookie           Common
BO-117  ToyAgumon                     Rookie           Rare
BO-118  ExVeemon                      Champion         Uncommon
BO-119  Stingmon                      Champion         Uncommon
BO-120  Raidramon                     Champion (Armor) Uncommon
BO-121  Veedramon                     Champion         Common
BO-122  Flamedramon                   Champion (Armor) Common
BO-123  Halsemon                      Champion (Armor) Common
BO-124  Shurimon                      Champion (Armor) Common
BO-125  Yasyamon                      Champion (Armor) Uncommon
BO-126  Submarimon                    Champion (Armor) Common
BO-127  Pegasusmon                    Champion (Armor) Common
BO-128  Angemon                       Champion         Common
BO-129  Gatomon                       Champion         Common
BO-130  Nefertimon                    Champion (Armor) Common
BO-131  Togemogmon                    Champion (Armor) Uncommon
BO-132  Digmon                        Champion (Armor) Common
BO-133  Aurumon                       Champion (Armor) Uncommon
BO-134  Shadramon                     Champion (Armor) Uncommon
BO-135  Greymon                       Champion         Common
BO-136  Garurumon                     Champion         Common
BO-137  Tyrannomon                    Champion         Common
BO-138  Airdramon                     Champion         Rare
BO-139  Darkrizamon                   Champion         Rare
BO-140  Deltamon                      Champion         Rare
BO-141  Dokugumon                     Champion         Rare
BO-142  MagnaAngemon                  Ultimate         GOLD Rare
BO-143  MetalGreymon                  Ultimate         Rare
BO-144  WereGarurumon                 Ultimate         Rare
BO-145  MetalTyrannomon               Ultimate         GOLD Rare
BO-146  MegaSeadramon                 Ultimate         Rare
BO-147  Mammothmon                    Ultimate         Rare
BO-148  WarGreymon                    Mega             GOLD Rare
BO-149  MetalGarurumon                Mega             GOLD Rare
BO-150  Seraphimon                    Mega             GOLD Rare
BO-151  Bucchiemon                    Champion (Armor) GOLD Rare
BO-152  Digi-Egg of Courage           Power Option     Common
BO-153  Digi-Egg of Friendship        Power Option     Uncommon
BO-154  Digi-Egg of Love              Power Option     Common
BO-155  Digi-Egg of Sincerity         Power Option     Common
BO-156  Digi-Egg of Knowledge         Power Option     Uncommon
BO-157  Digi-Egg of Reliability       Power Option     Uncommon
BO-158  Digi-Egg of Light             Power Option     Uncommon
BO-159  Digi-Egg of Hope              Power Option     Uncommon
BO-160  Digi-Egg of Destiny           Power Option     Rare
BO-161  Digi-Egg of Miracles          Power Option     Rare
BO-162  Digi-Egg of Kindness          Power Option     Rare